I’m coming back, slowly, gently, boldly.

I feel like I’m coming out of an unintentional season of quiet. Of necessary hibernation. Of doing a lot but not in a visible way.

And for maybe the first time ever I’m trying really hard to give myself compassion around it. It has been an incredibly challenging and illuminating 12 months, and I had not allowed enough space for that. So my body and instincts took over.

I love being here with you, I love creating and sharing new offers and supporting incredible people, but I just couldn’t. I truly didn’t have the capacity. And that seems wild to me but in hindsight now I can see what I needed and why I did what I did (or didn’t do)

I tried a software that I thought would work for me and it just really fkn didnt (sorry not sorry dubsado) and so I overhauled my biz processes and now I need to under haul them back again. That is so frustrating and hard and annoying.

But I have to back myself in on apps and processes that work FOR ME. Regardless of how good they are for others. If I don’t understand or don’t like something I won’t use it and annoyingly it’s that simple.

So I know I’ve been saying that new things are coming and then going quiet. I was trying to encourage myself into launching. When in reality I wasn’t ready.

And I’m sharing this now in the hopes that it might be a permission slip to give yourself time and rest and grace and compassion if you need it.

I have been finding pockets of joy. Playing sport, meeting new people, I’ve had long luxurious conversations with friends I adore, I’ve been watching Madam Secretary on my laptop in bed with snacks. I’ve been hanging out with my delicious kiddo. 

It has felt indulgent and lazy at times. But my body was hurting and it was trying to tell me something. My heart was hurting too.

It has been an Unravelling and a reimagining, and you know how I feel about those. 

If you’re here reading this and the algorithm hasn’t completely banished me… know this:

We are all just figuring this out, we are all navigating layers and nuances of personal and professional discoveries, celebrations and challenges. Most of us are doing our best with the learnings and capacity and situations we have. 

I’m so proud of myself, I’m proud of you, I’m proud of us. It is wild out here right now, and we’re still showing up and making stuff and trying to change things. For ourselves for our kiddos for our community. It’s a lot but we’re trying.

I’m trying.

This was going to be one slide on an insta story and then I accidentally wrote all of this, so I must be ready to come back, and in wonderful news, when I’m ready to write and to share that means I’m moving through to the next season. What a fkn relief.

I was so tired and overloaded and confused about why I couldn’t be here or offer more or reenergize my cashflow, I was tangled and being really hard on myself.

But I’m done with that. You too? 

Are you with me? Can we have seasons of hibernation and doing what needs to be done and then come out the other side for a bit?

Please remind me that it’s ok to go quiet and re-emerge? Cos I’m slightly nervous Daddy Meta won’t back me on this. But I’m hopeful you will.

So much love, Sarah x


Wanna go self-awareness time travelling with me?


Why SMART Goals need to calm down